Logistics Living Lab of Rome
The Logistics Living Lab (LLL) is a participatory laboratory of co-creation that for systematically involves logistics stakeholders in the testing and implementation of the innovative solutions envisioned in the new Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PUMS)The Living Lab represents an ecosystem in which all stakeholders actively contribute to the definition of integrated policies for the city's logistics.
Coordinated by TRElab TRElab (Transport Research Lab) of the University of Roma Tre, the Rome Logistics Living Lab aims to aggregate, create synergies and support innovative ideas for safer, cleaner and more efficient urban logistics.
In 2019, Roma Capitale approved the new Urban Sustainable Mobility Plan (PUMS), a strategic plan with a short, medium, and long-term time horizon, which develops a systematic vision of mobility. TRElab is the scientific coordinator of the urban logistics section.
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Systematize and develop a new model of urban logistics governance, based on the Living Lab approach: applied strategic research and a bottom-up approach, facilitated by gamification mechanisms for stakeholder engagement.
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